

Top 15 commonly asked CodeIgniter interview questions.

 1. What is CodeIgniter?

 CodeIgniter is an open-source PHP framework used for developing web applications. It follows the        Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern and provides a rich set of libraries and helpers for rapid application development.

2. What are the advantages of using CodeIgniter?

  • Lightweight and fast performance.
  • Easy to learn and use
  • MVC architecture for better code organization
  • Rich set of built-in libraries and helpers
  • Good documentation and an active community.unity

2. How to load a model in CodeIgniter?

To load a model in CodeIgniter, you can use the following syntax:

3. What is routing in CodeIgniter?

Routing in CodeIgniter refers to the process of defining URLs and mapping them to specific controller methods. It allows you to create clean and search engine-friendly URLs for your web application.

4. What are helpers in CodeIgniter?

Helpers in CodeIgniter are sets of utility functions that assist in performing common tasks. They can be used across different parts of the application, such as string manipulation, file handling, form validation, and more.

5. How to set up a database connection in CodeIgniter?

To set up a database connection in CodeIgniter, you need to configure the database settings in the config/database.php file. You specify the database hostname, username, password, database name, and other relevant details in this configuration file.

6. Explain the concept of migrations in CodeIgniter.

Migrations in CodeIgniter provide a convenient way to manage database schema changes over time. They allow you to version control your database structure and easily apply changes across different environments.

7. How to handle form validation in CodeIgniter?

CodeIgniter provides a form validation library that simplifies the process of validating form inputs. You can set rules for each form field, such as required, minimum length, maximum length, and custom validation rules. The form validation library automatically handles the validation process and provides error messages if any rules are violated.

8. What is CSRF protection in CodeIgniter, and how does it work?

CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) protection in CodeIgniter is a security feature that prevents unauthorized form submissions from external sources. It works by generating a unique token for each form and validating it on form submission.

9. How to set flash data in CodeIgniter?

Flash data in CodeIgniter allows you to store data in a session variable that lasts only until the next request. To set flash data, you can use the following syntax:

10. What are hooks in CodeIgniter?

Hooks in CodeIgniter provide a way to modify the core functionality of the framework without modifying the core files. They allow you to extend the framework by adding your own custom code at various predefined points during the application execution.

11. What is the difference between redirect() and refresh() functions in CodeIgniter?

The redirect() function is used to redirect the user to a specified URL, 
while the refresh() function is used to redirect the user to the current URL, effectively refreshing the page.

12. How can you set and retrieve session data in CodeIgniter?

13. How can you upload files in CodeIgniter?

CodeIgniter provides a upload library to handle file uploads. You can configure the upload settings in the config/upload.php file, and use the do_upload() method to perform the file upload.

14. How can you send email in CodeIgniter?

CodeIgniter provides an email library to send emails. You can configure the email settings in the config/email.php file, and use the from(), to(), subject(), and message() methods to compose and send emails.

15. What is the difference between the autoload and helper configuration options in CodeIgniter?

The autoload configuration option is used to load specific libraries, models, or plugins automatically on every page request.
 The helper configuration option is used to load specific helper files automatically on every page request.

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